Thank you to all who donated for hay for the farming family! COMMUNITY!!

Thank you to all who donated for hay for the farming family! COMMUNITY!!
Signed in as:
This HCP will shut down 53% of our state forests for 70years. 220 public services like fire departments, law enforcement, schools, emergency response, etc will lose critical funding. 512 special taxing districts within the HCP that almost entirely rely on property tax and timber harvest revenue to operate will be devastated. The 15 counties that heavily rely on timber harvest revenue and the jobs the forests provide will be crippled…FOR 70 years. STOP THE HCP!
Pivotal testimony given by ONRI in opposition to the HCP. Being engaged and having our voices heard has made an impact.
Gold Meadows of KCBY Interviews ONRI’s President, Jen Hamaker about the Habitat Conservation Plan and its devast impacts.
ONRI advocates for the working men and women whose livelihoods are based on natural resource industries, including foresters, loggers, ranchers, truckers, miners, fishers, and farmers. This includes their families, rural and urban along with their communities.
We work to bring viable solutions to the table.
We fight against senseless legislation that will hurt jobs in our industries.
We watch legislation and policies that are on the table and eduate the public on what's coming down the pipeline. We teach our members the process of testifying at all levels, so their voice can be heard. Industry workers, and communities who depend on those jobs for their families and their economies deserve a seat at the table, and proper representation at the table, with honesty and transparency.
We roll up our sleeves and shine a spotlight on what's hidden and hushed.
BOEM’s comment period has ended, but you can email your Senators on the Energy and Environment Committee:
This HCP will shut down 57% of our state forests and reduce harvest levels 34% more than promised. New numbers show that nearly 100,000 acres more than what is required for the HCP is being shut down. This 70 year forest policy threatens to destroy Oregon’s timber industry. Hampton’s mill in Banks has already closed.
This 70-year plan will reduce timber harvest levels to the point of making Oregon’s Department of Forestry insolvent, meaning they won’t receive enough timber revenue to keep their lights on, let alone pay for fighting fires.
Timber harvest money is vital to Oregon’s Economy a 40% reduction in timber harvest for 70 years is an Economic Disaster!
*70 year HCP
*57% of or state forests will be shut down to management
*40% reduction in timber harvest levels. *ODF promised harvest level of 250mmbf annually, the new numbers show harvest level will be at 165mmbf annually = 40% reduction in harvest levels.
7 counties and 2 county commissioners, which represent hundreds of thousands of people, signed proclamations opposing the HCP.
Our Vision
ONRI's vision is an Oregon where the people can enjoy economic growth while utilizing their natural resources in
an environmentally sustainable way that protects our communities for generations to come.
We protect our herds
We protect the lively hoods of miners
We will not stand by and watch our forests burn
We support hatch-box programs and support Oregon STEP's
Sign up for announcements and our quarterly Newsletter
Bring solutions to the table to solve some of the most pressing natural
resource problems facing our State
Broad diversity, with different natural resource industries being
represented all having a voice at the table
To preserve natural resource jobs and advocate for affected businesses
To restore pride, dignity and enthusiasm in Oregon's future
Educate and inform our members of legislation that affects their natural resource industries
Protecting rural Oregon's way of life and culture
23480 Hall Road, Cheshire, Oregon 97419, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Oregon Natural Resource Industries ONRI
23480 Hall Road, Cheshire, Oregon 97419, United States
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